School Supplies
This list is also available for download in a PDF format.
- Backpack
- 4 glue sticks
- Washable markers
- Dry erase markers
- Ziploc bags
- Playdough
- Kleenex
- Regular-size backpack
- 6 Boxes of Kleenex
- 18 Elmer glue sticks
- Ziploc bags (gallon or 2-gallon size)
- Composition books 5 X 7
- 2 Plastic folders
- Expo dry erase markers (any color/size)
- 1 Box jumbo Crayola crayon
- Boots for winter
Grade 1:
- 3 Folders (different colors)
- 3 Spiral notebooks wide ruled
- 1 Composition notebook wide ruled
- Pencil box
- Markers
- Crayons
- Kleenex
- Glue sticks
- Colored pencils
- Headphones
- Ziploc bags (sandwich and gallon size)
- Expo dry erase markers
Grade 2:
- 4 Spiral notebooks wide lined (green,
- 3 Pocket folders
- Expo dry erase markers
- 1 Package of large pink erasers*
- 1 Box of crayons *
- 1 Box of colored pencils*
- 1 Package of glue sticks*
- Extra Kleenex
- 1 Deck of standard playing cards
- Headphones (with a wired straight plug in jack)
*These supplies will be shared among the classroom community
Grade 3 and 4:
- 6 Wide ruled notebooks, plain
- 3 Pocket folders
- Colored pencils, 12 or 24 count, labeled
- 2 Covered pencil sharpeners
- Markers
- Kleenex
- Expo dry erase markers
- 2 Glue sticks
- Headphones
- 5 Stylus for iPad (4th grade)
Grade 5:
- 12 Spiral notebooks
- 8 Two-pocket folders
- 24 Colored pencils
- Expo dry erase markers
- 1 water bottle
- 4 glue sticks
- 4 highlighters
- Protractor
- Kleenex
- Crayola markers
- Headphones
- Compass (large plastic)
- 1 box gallon size bags